
  • Legal advice on how to organize and conduct the company’s business in order to assess the level of compliance of the company with the requirements of environmental legislation and specific standards;
  • Legal assistance in conducting due diligence reports, with a focus on the analysis of the environmental issues for various transaction structures (business transfer, mergers, acquisitions, etc.);
  • Assistance in drafting the necessary notices applicable in case of changes occurring at the level of companies holding regulatory documents requested from an environmental law perspective (decision of the framing stage, environmental notice, environmental agreement, environmental authorization);
  • Legal assistance in the relation with public environmental authorities and institutions, as well as on the accomplishment of various procedures provided by the law;
  • Drafting and reviewing of contractual terms related to the split of the environmental obligations;
  • Legal advice regarding the procedures for obtaining the company`s authorizations and permits, as well as reviewing these in terms of the specific provisions of environmental law;
  • Legal advice on the interpretation and application of various procedures regarding environmental law matters;
  • Legal assistance regarding applicable law requirements regarding waste management (collection, transport, treatment, recycling and storage activities);
  • Assistance and representation in administrative litigations regarding various environmental matters.


Anda Rojanschi, Partner anda.rojanschi@david-baias.ro

Adina Oprea, Managing Associate

Adina Guţiu, Counsel adina.gutiu@david-baias.ro