Adina Guțiu
Adina Guţiu coordinates the Energy and Natural Resources Practice of D&B David şi Baias. Her areas of expertise are energy law, corporate governance, environmental and climate change law and real estate law.
Adina graduated from the Faculty of Law from the University of Bucharest in 2003 and is a member of the Bucharest Bar from 2004. During her career, Adina pursued numerous professional trainings organized by Harvard Business School, MIT Sloane School of Management, Wharton Executive Education, DeMontfort University, PWN Romania, EBRD on management, leadership, strategy, corporate governance/board readiness, sustainable investments etc.
Before joining D&B, Adina worked for several international and local law firms, providing legal assistance on high-profile projects in energy, real estate and environmental law. Between 2015 and 2021, Adina was General Counsel for one of the biggest oil&gas companies in Romania, coordinating the legal and compliance affairs for seven entities active in refining and production of petroleum products, production of lubricants, distribution of petroleum products, production of energy from renewable sources, trading of energy, oil and gas, exploration and production offshore, with a turnover of approx. 4 mld. Euro. Considering the high-profile projects coordinated during this period, Adina was included in the GC Powerlist CEE 2018 and 2019 published by the Legal 500, which highlighted the most powerful general counsels/legal directors from Central and Eastern Europe.
In the 20 years of experience, Adina provided legal assistance to large oil&gas companies during everyday activity and acquisition projects and transactions, in local and global projects. Experience in renewable energy includes the acquisition and development of renewable energy projects, such as wind parks and photovoltaic plants. Adina also provided legal assistance to multinational companies and public entities on environment and climate change law aspects related to regulatory, waste management, atmospheric pollution, decontamination, historical pollution etc. On corporate governance, Adina assisted multinational companies with the analysis and improvement of corporate governance for listed and non-listed companies. In real estate, Adina was part of landmark transactions on the acquisition and development of hotels, shopping centers, industrial facilities, residential projects.
From 2022, Adina is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Law from the Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies (ASE) for Business Law and PhD student at the Law Doctoral School from ASE with the research theme “The legal regime of administrative acts in the field of environmental protection”.
Adina is a member of Romanian Business Leaders (RBL), Professional Women Network Romania (PWN Romania) and Corporate Governance Institute (CGI).
Adina Oprea
Adina Oprea is a Bachelor of Law from the Titu Maiorescu University and she has been a member of the Bucharest Bar since 2014. She also holds a Master diploma in Business Law from the same university and a certificate of attendance of a training regarding the “Basics of Entrepreneurship”, delivered by The Institute of Entrepreneurship, University of Applied Sciences Frankfurt at Titu Maiorescu University.
Adina Oprea has been part of the Corporate M&A team at D&B David and Baias since January 2014, specializing particularly in complex reorganization projects (mergers, demergers), as well as in various transaction processes (share sales, business transfers).
Adina is actively involved in all stages of a transaction, coordinating both sales and purchase projects from the initial discussions, through the due diligence processes and negotiation of transaction documents (sale contracts, shareholder agreements, mandate contracts, etc.), up to their signing and implementation.
Adina’s expertise also covers corporate law aspects, providing assistance to clients on matters such as company formation and operations in Romania, the organization, functioning, and responsibilities of management and control bodies, dividend distribution, director liability, and more. Additionally, her consultancy includes specific analyses regarding regulations applicable to companies in various industries such as energy, IT, automotive, healthcare, food, retail, etc.
Adina provides legal assistance to a significant portfolio of clients in sectors such as energy, pharma, automotive, industry, and retail, covering all aspects of their activities. Over time, she has offered legal consultancy in large-scale reorganization projects, which are part of international processes conducted by manufacturers in the pharma industry, as well as companies within major local groups.
Romana Petre
Romana Petre is a graduate of the Faculty of Law at Babeş-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca, a member of the Cluj Bar since 2013, and the Bucharest Bar since 2015. She has been part of the Corporate M&A team at D&B David and Baias since May 2015, and her areas of expertise include corporate law, mergers and acquisitions, as well as transaction assistance.
With extensive experience in due diligence processes and transactions, she has successfully represented clients from various industries, particularly healthcare services, retail, and TMT (telecommunications, media, and technology).
Romana coordinates both sell-side and buy-side projects, being actively involved in all stages of transactions. Additionally, she has coordinated numerous reorganization projects that involved multidisciplinary teams.